Haunted Spooktacular in Kells, Meath is opening its doors again to everyone looking for a scary experience this coming Halloween.
The Event
Fear surrounds the Grove, it goes beyond your imagination. Not every soul has made it to the next crossing. At the Grove, the dead still walk. We have gone over the edge with the biggest and scariest Halloween ever. Screams come above, below, and all around you. At the Grove we have brought the fear level to your ULTIMATE NIGHTMARE.
This is not to be missed.
This unique experience is more gruesome than any other year. We focus on your worst nightmare, that's why we are different.
Are you brave enough to face the Eerie Graveyard, Tunnel of Horrors, Haunted Woodland Walk & much much more.
And Remember this is not for Children.
Events like these require thorough planning and we'd like to experience for ourselves if it really is as terrifying as they're claiming it to be. The first week of class we were asked what we wanted the audience to feel during or after interacting with our project. We all got together because we had a common ground. We wanted the users to feel afraid, uneasy and overwhelmed. The event organizers had the same idea so perhaps we'd see for ourselves if they got what they were aiming for. It'll also broaden our perspectives on other ways to approach the project and maybe it'll give us an idea on our narrative.