Today went better than yesterday. Everything went smoothly according to plan. We filmed the twins first since we didn't want them to become agitated as they were yesterday and we also bribed them with ICE CREAM. Yum! Yum! Who would say no to that?!
Well... I actually know a minute number of people who would.
Anyway, this day flew by. We were able to film all the jump cuts that we needed and continuity-wise, we don't have any problem. The weather, surprisingly, was good. It didn't rain. So outside shots were good. It was too bright though which might present an "editing" problem later on.
I still think there's nothing Final Cut or After Effects can't fix. It's all about manipulation.
Now, I'll be off to Lanzarote in 2 days so I'll be gone for a week. I will update about editing and bringing it all together when I come back.
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