Saturday, January 29, 2011

Video footage

We plan to shoot our footage in an old, English style house located in Ravensdale, Dundalk. It has all the physical attributes that we require for a spooky setting for our game. It also has a basement cellar. This is where we are planning to shoot the girl being held by her adoptive father. Some photos of the house can be seen below.

The general feel of the footage will be spooky, uneasy and edgy for the user. So we plan to create footage that will have a lot of shadows, low-key lighting, fast movements of the camera and fast jump cuts (editing style) to create tension. We also want to capture the jittery movements of the twins. We want to create scenes that will make the user jump of their seat and feel anxious throughout the experience. The reason behind this type of editing and footage is because we think it would work best with our objective. As part of our research, we have watched many horror/thriller movies for this project. We came to the conclusion that using these techniques: dark shots, shadows, quick movements of silhouettes of the young girl and jittery movements make the viewer frightened, uneasy and alarmed.

This footage will all be shot in the first person point of view, and therefore will be mostly handheld shots. This is to show the user going through the game and to make the user feel more immersed in the game and feel a part of it. In the research we have done, some suspense/psychological/thriller movies used first person point of view shots and we thought it was effective. This made us decide that this would suit best for our project.

We will also have some shots of the girl’s feet; slowly creeping up the stairs and hallways to add to the startling effect we want to create. This can also be used for the fast edit shots. We would have a close up shot of the girl’s face and an ECU of her eyes. These will be used for the fast edits throughout the video parts of the game. All these type of shots can be seen in a lot of thriller movies and we feel they are crucial to get the feeling of anxiety and panic to the user. For example: “Case 39”, “The Omen” and “The Grudge”.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The visual design of the game will be very important in creating the project we want. It is vital that the atmosphere we want to create in the game is apparent from the start. The theme of Osoreru is dark and we will use dark colours and shadows to create this. The game is psychological and we will use quick edits to scare the user. These edits will enhance the fear, as the user will question whether or not they had seen anything at all.

We drew visual inspiration from numerous movies and games, such as, ‘Silent Hill’ and ‘The Orphanage’. The fear will be heightened through the use of the children’s ghosts.  It will be apparent that something is wrong with these children from the start and that they are not really physically there. While audio is more crucial to the project, as it will drive the narrative and the tension, the visuals also need to be strong, as they need to carry the user’s interest. The visuals of the project need to be strong and clear to capture and maintain the user’s attention.

We want to add effects to the images to enhance the look and feel of the project. We want it to be dark and at some points difficult to make out what is around you, using subtle lights to create tension. Below is a further explanation into the visual style of our game and our intentions for the style of the video footage. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Booth Design

Osoreru will be in a booth because the player needs to be isolated. The reason behind this is we want to achieve the full effect of our game play. We will build a booth. It will have a small, backless stool and a control panel built into the centre of the floor. There will be a flat screen television mounted to the wall of the booth so the user can view the content. There is a small door outside which the player must duck down into to enter the booth.

The booth is designed this way to add to the atmosphere of the game, leaving the user to feel isolated and scared. We also want to have crunchy fillings on the floor so that when the user walks into the dark space, all they will be able to hear is the crunching under their feet.

The design of the booth is described in further detail later, along with the implementation of the building of the booth.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Character Profile on Aunt

Bridge Malone
Hair Colour:
Medium height, appox. 5ft 4inchs
Voice Quality:
Soft spoken, polite.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Rarely found without a cup of tea. If she waits too long, her left eye begins to twitch and she gets clumsy.
Style of Dress:
She dresses neatly. She must present herself well for her teaching job. She likes full length skirts and long cardigans.
Mother’s Occupation:
Father’s Occupation:
Husband Richard Malone.
Family  Life:
Due to the events that occured with the twins, the bond between herself and Richard has been closer than ever, as they continue to hide their dark secret.
She is very healthy and is in good shape. Her only issue is her addiction to caffine.
She is quiet and loves children. She works as a teacher and thrives on helping children to learn. She is gentle and kind, which makes her overlook cruelty and pretend nothing is happening.
She loves to spend time with a good book and cup of tea while sitting in the garden. She also loves to ensure her garden remains beautiful.
Favorite Place/Hideout:
She loves the garden and spends hours outside.
Who helps the character:
Her husband, Richard.
Who gets in his/her way:
The ghosts of her adoptive children and the player.
Characters Aims:
To keep the secret of her adoptive children hidden.
What makes the character different:
The player is supposed to be related to her yet she is hiding a huge secret.
Will players like/dislike:
Player will feel sorry for Bridge as she didn’t really have any part in what happened yet she must cover up the secret.
What does the character want:
To stop you from revealing their families secret.
Character’s Problem:
Bridge must cover up the tragedy which happened to her family even though she tried not to get involved in what was happening with Rachel. She focused all of her attention on Isabelle and now she feels it is partially her fault, that through her neglect she played a major role in Rachel’s deteriorating condition.

Character Profile on Uncle

Richard ‘Ricky’ Malone
Hair Colour:
Tall, just over 6ft
Voice Quality:
Soft spoken, eloquent voice.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
He grows his beard and when he's excited/nervous, he stutters and is prone to scratching his scalp. He wears silver rimmed rounded glasses.
Style of Dress:
 He dresses himself neatly. He likes to wear collared shirts and slacks not only to represent good hygiene but also to highlight the importance of looking good to reflect one's self-respect.
Mother’s Occupation:
Father’s Occupation:
Wife Bridge Malone
Family  Life:
Due to the events that occured with the twins, the bond between himself and Bridge has been closer than ever as they continue to hide their dark secret.
He keeps himself healthy, yet he occassionally over induldges himself. Slightly weighty, yet fit. He has a tendency to be slightly obsessive.
He is quiet by nature. He is very well mannered as he was brought up in a devout Catholic home. He is passionate about his work and goes to any extent to achieve fulfilment, may it be for the purpose of research or personal vested interest. He is introverted and likes to keep to himself especially when it concerns his work. He does enjoy talking with peers and his wife and likes to debate on current issues and theories about life when he is not engrossed in a case study.
He enjoys taking on projects and conducting experiments. He also loves to read crime novels when he has spare time.
Favorite Place/Hideout:
His favourite place is his study.
Who helps the character:
His wife, Bridge.
Who gets in his/her way:
The ghosts of his adoptive children and the player.
Characters Aims:
To keep the secret of his adoptive children hidden.
What makes the character different:
The player is supposed to be related to him, yet he is hiding a huge secret. In all the lies however, Richard is able to maintain a cool composuer.
Will players like/dislike:
Players will dislike Richard.
What does the character want:
To stop you from revealing their families secret.
Character’s Problem:
Because of the amount of his achievements, he has a tendency to have a big ego and a “hero complex”. He believes he can solve any problem given to him and cure any case around. He likes working with kids and he always secretly wanted to have a child of his own but due to an accident he had when he was younger, he is unable to do so. That is why when he was asked by a colleague for his expert opinion on a case study of a young girl named, Rachel Lorenzo, who was suffering from an anti-social personality disorder (sociopath), he was challenged to stabilize Rachel through various experimentations. Since he always dedicates his 100% in every job, he adopted Rachel and her stable twin, Isabelle.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Character Profile on Isabelle

Isabelle Lorenzo
Hair Colour:
Voice Quality:
Soft, pleasant
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Dark eyes, pale skin.
Style of Dress:
80’s style dress
Adopted. Birth parents deceased.
Mother’s Occupation:
Father’s Occupation:
Twin sister Rachel
Family  Life:
Was good
Fun loving/playful
Playing in the garden & Dancing
Favorite Place/Hideout:
Garden & her bedroom
Who helps the character:
The Player
Who gets in his/her way:
The Sister, Mother & Father
Characters Aims:
To help the player discover the truth.
What makes the character different:
She’s dead.
Will players like/dislike:
Player will like her/ she tries to help them.
What does the character want:
She wants justice for her and her sister and wants her sister to rest in peace and to stop hurting people.
Character’s Problem:
Cannot rest in peace.
Resolution depends on actions taken by player.

Character Profile on Rachel

Character: The Evil Twin
Rachel Lorenzo
Hair Colour:
Voice Quality:
Hoarse, scratchy, whispers
Distinguishing Characteristics:

Gaunt face, sullen, scars
Style of Dress:
80’s style dress
Adopted. Birth parents deceased.
Mother’s Occupation:
Father’s Occupation:
Twin sister Isabelle
Family  Life:
Not good
Singing nursery rhymes,
Leading people astray
Favorite Place/Hideout:
Attic & Closets
Who helps the character:
Sister & Player
Who gets in his/her way:
Mother & Father
Characters Aims:
To lead the player astray
What makes the character different:
She’s dead.
Will players like/dislike:
Dislike. Players will be afraid of her.

What does the character want:

Revenge. To make everyone else pay for her suffering when she was alive
Character’s Problem:
Cannot rest in peace.
Resolution depends on actions taken by player.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Floor Plan

This is the floor plan for the main level of the house. The rooms with no titles are not being used and it will be locked in the game. The red lines mark the doorways to and from the rooms. 

This is the Cellar floor plan. There is a stairway leading underground to the cellar where it branches off into a large chamber and a small chamber. It is all open with no doorways between the chambers.

This is the floor plan for the Second level. The only room we are going to use on this level is the child’s room, but it also leads to the third level.

This is the floor plan for the third floor of the house. It is quite small compared to the other floors and we will only be using one room on this level. The bedroom we are using will be the main bedroom in our game.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


It is a multi-option psychological thriller narrative which allows the user to interact with the space around them and their on-screen components. It plays with primal fear and it enforces quick-thinking by means of survival.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Project Overview

Osoreru is set in an old, isolated house where the user becomes the lead character in a suspense survival horror game. The house is full of secrets and while someone wants you to discover them, some will do anything to stop you.

The story is set in your Aunt and Uncle’s house. You, the user, are minding the house for them while they go out for the night. As soon as they leave, you are able to explore the house. It isn’t long before strange things start happening. You find a photo of a girl you’ve never seen before on the mantel piece and as you explore further you begin to see glimpses of her. Then, things begin to get weird. A rag doll keeps appearing in different parts of the house and a strange lullaby can be heard in the corridors. You realise this girl you keep seeing doesn’t want you here and is trying her best to get you to leave. But who is she? Your Aunt never said there was anybody here. You were supposed to be on your own and then there is that odd fact that she keeps disappearing and reappearing. She doesn’t look right and the photos of her all seem to be quite old, yet she looks the same.
You find a tape that shows you she has a twin and that they lived here with your Aunt and Uncle. One of the twins is a bit strange. She picks on the other one and doesn’t seem to join in when playing. The girl keeps appearing as you further explore the house. Sometimes she’s trying to help and sometimes she’s trying to make sure you don’t. You realise the twins are still here. Their souls are haunting the house.  One of them needs you to help her. The other is determined to get rid of you before you find out what is going on.
You begin a race against the evil twin, Rachel. With the help of Isabelle, you must figure out what happened to them before it’s too late.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Target Audience

Our main target audience are people aged 16 years old and up. The content involved in our game is strong and we feel it needs to apply along with the Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO) regulations.
We researched the difference between the 15yrs. and 16yrs. film classifications and found that the violence category was different. We felt that having a 16yr old limit on our game would be better suited.
This is an excerpt from the IFCO site we researched on the 16 film classification:
CONTEXT: It is assumed that adolescents of sixteen and over will be able to appreciate the context of a film.
VIOLENCE: Violent content and depiction of violence may be stronger than in films designated 15A. We take particular account of the way in which sexual violence is portrayed.”
Our reason for picking this particular age group is mainly due to our game’s suggestive violence towards minors. A sixteen year old would digest the content easier and acknowledge the difference between fiction and reality. A sixteen year old would find it easier to comprehend it than a younger age group would.  The psychological theme of our game needs to be interpreted the way it’s intended and this target audience would understand it better.

User Profile:
The user of this game will be a fan of the horror/thriller genre of film and games. They like to immerse in a game, feel like they are inside the game and be a part of it. They want to feel like they are in control. The user likes feeling unsettled and enjoys the intense experience of a thriller/horror game or movie.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Updated Project Roles

Justine Gika:
Project Manager and Designer

Claire O’Neill:
Film Director and Interactive Designer

Conor Moore:
Audio Manager and Co-Programmer

Rochelle Lazaro:
Chief Programmer and Co-Audio

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our aims, objectives and desired outcomes.


The aim behind Osoreru is to allow the user to experience a thrilling, dark narrative through his/her own choices and decisions. The story of Osoreru is hidden behind doors and keys, which the user must find and uncover. We aim to create a virtual setting that houses a ghost story with twists and unnerving turns. We want the user to feel uncomfortable, isolated and on edge yet still feel compelled to discover what is going on.


Our objective is to create a fully functioning game, which will appeal to horror and gaming fans. We also feel it would be a great achievement to have people outside of our target audience enjoy the experience. We want to convey an eerie and gothic feel through the use of filters and special effects make-up.

Desired Outcomes

The desired outcome for Osoreru is to have created a fully playable thriller game. We want the game to use short clips of video footage, for moving between areas of interaction and also to create an unsettling and chilling atmosphere. The group hopes that the short cut scenes will introduce a more realistic feel to the game and the experience. We hope that the use of still photography when the user is interacting will make a smooth transition between the cut scenes and the playable aspects of the game. We hope to accomplish this through the use of steady photography and camera work.

The game will be controlled using a control panel which will be built into the booth itself. The user will interact with the game from a first person point of view. We have decided not to use an avatar as we want the user to feel completely submerged in the game.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Synopsis of Osoreru

Osoreru is a survival thriller video game. It is designed to allow the user to experience a narrative through exploration and the user’s attention to detail. The unravelling of the narrative will happen at the user’s pace. The user decides whether to explore every area available to them or to just skim the surface. Either way, it will eventually lead them to finding the truth.

We aim to create a psychological video game, which creates a tense and unnerving atmosphere while simultaneously driving the user to want to discover the truth.

Osoreru will be a dark game using shadows and dark spaces to the best of our advantage. The user will have a control panel which allows them to explore the house from the first person point of view. There isn’t going to be a controllable character or an Avatar of any kind. The full game will be in the first person point of view to allow the user to feel immersed in the game.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So you have an idea how the twins look like.

Here's Amy, one of the twins.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Another interactive music video

Not as impressive as neon bible but it's still good.

try it here.