Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Character Profile on Aunt

Bridge Malone
Hair Colour:
Medium height, appox. 5ft 4inchs
Voice Quality:
Soft spoken, polite.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Rarely found without a cup of tea. If she waits too long, her left eye begins to twitch and she gets clumsy.
Style of Dress:
She dresses neatly. She must present herself well for her teaching job. She likes full length skirts and long cardigans.
Mother’s Occupation:
Father’s Occupation:
Husband Richard Malone.
Family  Life:
Due to the events that occured with the twins, the bond between herself and Richard has been closer than ever, as they continue to hide their dark secret.
She is very healthy and is in good shape. Her only issue is her addiction to caffine.
She is quiet and loves children. She works as a teacher and thrives on helping children to learn. She is gentle and kind, which makes her overlook cruelty and pretend nothing is happening.
She loves to spend time with a good book and cup of tea while sitting in the garden. She also loves to ensure her garden remains beautiful.
Favorite Place/Hideout:
She loves the garden and spends hours outside.
Who helps the character:
Her husband, Richard.
Who gets in his/her way:
The ghosts of her adoptive children and the player.
Characters Aims:
To keep the secret of her adoptive children hidden.
What makes the character different:
The player is supposed to be related to her yet she is hiding a huge secret.
Will players like/dislike:
Player will feel sorry for Bridge as she didn’t really have any part in what happened yet she must cover up the secret.
What does the character want:
To stop you from revealing their families secret.
Character’s Problem:
Bridge must cover up the tragedy which happened to her family even though she tried not to get involved in what was happening with Rachel. She focused all of her attention on Isabelle and now she feels it is partially her fault, that through her neglect she played a major role in Rachel’s deteriorating condition.

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